PANAF Editors & Associates
£35.00 (paperback)

This is the first major biography of Samora Machel since his death in October 1986 - in an aircraft widely believed to have been engineered by South African security agents. Written by a journalist who had known Machel since 1970 when he joined him inside the liberation zones of Mozambique, it presents a portrait of Machel the revolutionary, military strategist and skilled politician, as well as Machel the warm and humorous man, admired even by his ideological opponents. Set in the context of a region in conflict, Machel emerges from this biography as one of Africa's most charismatic leaders and an increasingly influential world statesman.

First published 1989.
Reprinted 2015.
224 pages.
ISBN 978-0-901787-52-1 (P/b)      
ISBN 978-0-901787-51-4 (H/b)